(00:00): So very important. There is no reason for fears. It has been proven scientifically there are several publications, even specifically for soft SKO V2 that stress and fear we can see our innate immunity. So there is this modern discipline neurosciences where we are now getting increasing evidence that there are direct connections between the, uh, the brains, the neurological system and the immune system. So there is a communication and it is, it has been shown clearly in, in, in really by, by scientists that, uh, stress, fear, anxiety, et cetera, have a detrimental impact on your innate immunity. So there is no reason, any reason for discrimination, besides what I call discrimination against the current insane measure measures. And I don't use this word lightly insane. I don't use this word lightly, but I have to use it against current insane measures that are anything that based on sound scientific grounds, so that then people could say, and Bush, he has a nice curriculum, et cetera, but at the end of the day, what is his credibility? (01:19): Well, what I can say is that all my predictions so far have been based on science and nothing, but the science, that is one thing. The vast majority of my predictions have materials on or no on the verge of becoming reality. I was calling to the who and all public health authorities at the beginning of this year, telling them guys, if you don't stop this mass vaccination campaigns, we are going to drive the vibes in the resistance sort of backseat. See what's happening right now in the world. We or we are having already a number of these strains that are, uh, that are resistant to the vaccines and the remains to be seen what the impact will be. But what I'm saying is that if you have a sound scientific hypothesis and on top, it is, it gets confirmed really by data. And then you find out that no single experts or public health official, even theirs to openly debate with you, or to engage in a scientific discussion about what I call the single most ignored aspect of this pandemic, namely the critical role of innate immunity and how does innate immunity gets corrupted by the current vaccines? (02:47): And if you add to this, the fact that none of the scientists who are currently revealing the truth or having any conflict of interest, well, if you consider all of the, you should be seriously thinking about whom to believe, and you should be seriously thinking, you know, if what politicians and public health authorities tell you right now, whether this is really in the best interest of people's individual health and that of society at large. And that is what, why I also put in my title time for DIYers, do your own research. I know it's very unfortunate that people, you know, who are used like you and me to rely on our public health authorities to rely on global health authorities for our health. I mean, this was a given. This was for, you know, we, we, we took this for granted, you know, how else could you speak? (03:53): Yeah. W w what, uh, you, you could never, ever imagine that public health authorities would be taking measures that are not the best for your individual health and health of the society. Unfortunately, now we have come to a situation where almost every single individual needs to do his or her own research to find out what is this all about? And can I really accept this? And can I really afford and justify to take such an important decision? As I said, at the beginning of my, uh, of my talk, uh, getting a vaccine is something that should not be taken lightly because it puts the program on your immune system that is there for the rest of your life. And it's very unfortunate that we know half basically to recommend people to do their own research and to find out, and that is why we are doing all this. That is why we are raising awareness, that we are trying to make the science understandable to the people, so that at least they can take a, what we call an informed decision and do not feel coerced by a number of measures that I have no other words that are completely insane. And, and anything that based on, uh, on, on good sides. Yeah. And with that, I would like to thank you for your attention. And, um, I'm of course, open for any questions that you may have.